2015 Wrap UP

November and December were so long ago that I hardly remember them, but here's a quick post anyway!

Some sweet friends from the ward brought their kiddos to my classroom so that my students could observe them and their development. My students got a kick out of it, and it was fun to do something out of the ordinary. 

Someone donated turkeys to the school for all the teachers so we didn't have to buy one! It made my day!

We went to our first Duke game! I got to go to two, one with the girls, and then we went to another. Both were no-name teams and were total blow outs but it was still a blast!

Babysitting our favorite little Annabelle!

For Thanksgiving, Mom & Dad Shipley and Jacob came to come visit us. We drove out to a little cottage in the mountains and stayed there for a few nights. I got to make my signature pumpkin roll, but Mom Shipley is an amazing cook so she pretty much did the rest while I tried to help. 

Jacob taking selfies for his fiancee Natalia!!

We went on a hike to Linville Falls off of the BlueRidge Parkway. Absolutely beautiful!!

 More Jacob Selfies.

And Parent selfies.
Mile High Bridge. It's not really a mile above the ground, its a mile above sea level, so its not AS scary, although it was extremely windy and scary to walk across. 

We saw a bear on grandfather mountain! It was in a fence...

We had a lesson on Tithing in Primary, and then we had a lesson the next week on the importance of the Bishop in our ward. I had my kids write notes, and I thought this one was pretty funny. Period.


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