The Little Things I Love

About Matthew.

The past 2 weeks have been some of the hardest of my life, and the only way I get through it is coming home to my loving husband every day. Some of the things I love about Matthew lately...

  • Coming home to a spotless house. Matthew is on the job hunt right now, but while he is looking, he's also playing the 'house wife'. Everyday I come home, the house is clean. Vacuum lines, fridge cleaned out and organized, my medicine is organized on the bathroom counter... etc. 
  • Laundry! We both hate doing laundry but Matthew just does it anyway! I am not a very clean person when it comes to clothing... I don't know how to use a laundry basket, or I use the floor as a laundry basket. I had piles of clothes waiting to be put in the right drawer from boxes unpacked from moving. The other day I came home and everything was organized into the before empty drawers of our dresser. I was so happy. Matthew might have been more happy because the mess bugged him, ha. 
  • Birds. The other night, we were getting ready for bed and Matthew had to run downstairs to grab something from the car. All of a sudden, the front door flies open, and Matt yells, "ELISE PUT ON SOME PANTS! THERE'S AN OWL OUTSIDE!" To which I drop everything, put on pants, and run outside with him to see an owl. He was so excited, and it was adorable. The owl had flown off and he was so sad I didn't get to see it. He knows me so well! I don't think he cares about birds for a second but he knows I do!
  • Such a great cook! Even if its just frozen pizza, I come home to a hot meal every day. He makes sure I text him when I'm on my way home so he can time it right. So thoughtful.
  • Maybe TMI, but he makes sure he is aware of when its going to be that time of the month... ha. 
  • "Tell me about your day" During student teaching, my rantings and ravings started to get him sad and in a bad mood. Sometimes I had to tone it down to keep him from getting sad about it... Yet whenever I come home, he always asks  about my day. Usually, I begin with, "Are you sure you want to hear me rant?" And the answer is always yes.
  • Importance of family. I love the relationship he has with his siblings and parents. They are always in communication with each other. Whether its Hayley's birthday, Brigham's dating dilemmas, soccer, or just phone calls to mom, I know he really loves and cares about them. And the same goes with my family. Matt has been recently found texting my mom about recipes, making Emily a homemade birthday card, and informing Brookelyn that the 3rd season of 'Once Upon a Time' is now on netflix. 
  • He insists that I give him a goodbye kiss before I leave for work every day, even if it wakes him up and he is planning on sleeping for at least 2 more hours. 
  • Every day during my prep period, I get an 'i love you' text from him, and we have a short conversation about how school's going. Best part of my day!
  • Came home at the end of a bad day, and Matthew's response was to immediately go out and grab ice cream. 'nuff said.
  • Chick Flicks. I really wanted to see Winter's Tale. He really didn't. He rented it. We watched it. It sucked. We are constantly making fun of it. I wanted to see 'A Fault In Our Stars' He strangely enough did too. We both really liked it, and I was just happy to have a chick-flick-buddy :)
I love Matthew! He is the best thing that is ever happened to me and I am grateful for him every day.


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